The Power of Taking a Pause

A deeper dive into the art of slow, reflective and intentional approach towards community building

Siena Beacham, Storytelling & Content CatalystNov 20, 2023 4:54 PM

Have you ever considered the possibility that our relentless pursuit of productivity and quick solutions might be stifling our relationships and communities?

The idea of pausing when faced with challenges or conflicts is often underappreciated. In our fast-paced lives, we tend to overlook the value of stillness, of taking a moment to breathe, reflect, and heal. However, it's important to recognize that such a pause is not a sign of indecision or wasted time, but a crucial strategy for growth, reflection, and resolution. Rather than forcing immediate solutions, taking a pause allows us to approach issues with greater understanding and thoughtfulness.

This brings us to an intriguing proposition: challenging the ingrained capitalistic values of constant productivity and instead embracing the value of slowness, especially in relation to building relationships within communities. It may seem counterintuitive, perhaps even controversial, but the evidence in favor of this approach is considerable.

The Importance of Pausing

Taking a pause for reflection and healing is not merely about taking a breather from the stress and noise of life. It's about granting ourselves the time and space to truly process our thoughts and emotions, to gain a deeper understanding of our experiences, and to cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity.

When we force immediate repair and continued progression, we often ignore the root cause of an issue. This approach not only leads to temporary solutions but can also aggravate the problem in the long run.

Let's consider an analogy. Imagine you're running a marathon. Your leg starts to hurt, but you keep pushing yourself to continue. You might make it to the finish line, but at what cost? You could end up causing more damage to your leg, which could take significantly longer to heal. The same concept applies to other aspects of our lives. When dealing with complex issues in relationships or communities, forcing a solution without fully understanding the problem can lead to more harm than good.

Pausing allows us to take stock of the situation, understand the underlying issues, and then move forward with a more informed perspective. It's about giving ourselves the time and space to heal, to reflect, and to grow. It's about learning to sit with our thoughts, our feelings, and our experiences, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.

Imagine a scenario in a community where there's a conflict over the use of a shared local park. One group wants to use the park for weekly sports events, while the other group seeks to preserve the park due to its historical and ancestral significance. If an immediate solution is enforced, such as allowing the sports event to take place without consideration for the historical preservation group, tensions could quickly escalate. The group advocating for preservation may feel disregarded and marginalized, leading to heightened divisions within the community. This is why it's essential to take a pause, fully comprehend the needs and perspectives of each party involved, and work towards a solution that  is grounded in respect, equity, inclusion and justice. Sometimes the just solution means that not everyone gets their way. But taking the time to foster meaningful dialogue can support understanding and empathy, and build stronger relationships amidst differences in opinions. Such an approach is vital in maintaining harmony within community relationships.

Challenging Capitalistic Values in Community Building

Capitalistic societal values have conditioned us to equate efficiency and productivity with success. This often misleads us into believing that doing more equates to achieving more. However, the reality is that the process of building relationships within communities is intricate, requiring a degree of slowness.

Under this system based in constant productivity, we are taught that progress is linear, and the more we do, the more we achieve. However, building and nurturing relationships within communities is not a race, but a long journey. It demands patience, understanding, and — crucially — time. It's about being present, responsive to the community's needs, and understanding that relationships don't form overnight. Each relationship is unique and develops at its own pace. In a society that idolizes speed and efficiency, it's crucial to remember that the most significant and enduring relationships are often those given time to grow and evolve naturally.

Capitalism's dominant influence has altered how we perceive and engage in relationships, shifting our focus towards quantity over quality. Being fully present and responsive to a growing relationship's needs often involves dedicating time to truly understand the other person or the community — to listen and empathize. It's about forging deep, meaningful connections, not superficial or transactional ones. This counteracts the capitalistic mindset that has distanced us from our natural inclinations as relational beings.

The Desire for Solutions and the Fear of Pausing

More often than not we glorify the idea of the quick fix. We crave immediate solutions and instant gratification. We want to overcome obstacles as quickly as possible and move on to the next thing. But this mindset, while seemingly efficient, can often be detrimental to our goals of pursuing equity and liberation.

Many of us have a deep-rooted desire to find solutions and push past or ignore what seems difficult. While this can be a positive trait, it can also lead to a self-centered need to see results and feel a sense of accomplishment. This desire often stems from our discomfort with pausing and slowness, which goes against everything we have been taught in our rush culture.

We are so accustomed to being busy and in constant motion, that the idea of slowing down can be uncomfortable, even scary. But it's crucial to remember that there's a stark difference between being busy and being productive, between motion and progress.

Accepting Unknowing and Discomfort

Most of us are unfamiliar with sitting in a space of unknowing and discomfort. We are conditioned to have all the answers, to be in control. But life is unpredictable, and it's okay not to know everything. It's okay to be uncomfortable. In fact, it's in these spaces of unknowing and discomfort that we often find the most growth.

Indeed, developing the strength to hold space for things to rest, breathe, and pause is crucial, particularly when things seem misaligned in a relationship within a community. We must give ourselves and others the grace to be human, to make mistakes, to learn, and to grow. This is essential for fostering patience and understanding, allowing for the natural evolution of relationships and addressing issues with care and thoughtfulness. This approach, though it may require more time and effort, ultimately leads to more substantial and lasting resolutions.

The Experience of Taking a Pause in Relationships

For those in the relationship, being given the necessary space for a pause can be both an uncomfortable and empowering experience. It’s uncomfortable because it forces us to face the uncertainty of the situation, the unresolved issues, and the raw emotions that we often prefer to avoid. But it’s empowering because it grants us the opportunity to reflect, heal, and grow in our own time and space.

Consider a scenario where two members of a community are in disagreement over a project. The tension is palpable, the conversation heated. One of them, recognizing the escalating conflict, suggests taking a pause before moving forward. The pause doesn't eliminate the disagreement, but it does provide each person the space to step back, reflect on their own perspective and, importantly, consider the other's viewpoint. It's an opportunity to calm heightened emotions, gather thoughts, and approach the situation with renewed understanding and empathy.

In this pause, each individual is granted the chance to let go of their own need to 'win' the argument or find a quick-fix solution. They are asked to lean into discomfort, to sit with their feelings of conflict and uncertainty without attempting to hastily resolve them. This act of pausing and stepping back is a demonstration of care for the other person. It sends a clear message: "I value our relationship more than I value being right."

This experience, though initially uncomfortable, can lead to deep, profound growth for all involved. It's an acknowledgement of the shared humanity within the relationship, a recognition that it isn't all about us. Through this shared experience of discomfort and pause, relationships can deepen, understanding can expand, and a stronger, more resilient community can emerge.

The Power of Reflection

Have you ever considered the power of reflection within your community relationships? Reflection is a profound part of taking a pause. It's a process that doesn't just enrich your self-awareness and personal growth, but it also strengthens the bonds within your community, fostering understanding and empathy among all its members.

When you and your community members embrace a pause and make room for reflection, you start noticing patterns in your collective behavior. This can lead to a profound understanding of the dynamics within your community. Are there triggers that often lead to conflicts or disagreements within your community? Are there certain activities or events that consistently bring joy or foster unity among you? Identifying these patterns is your first step towards creating a more harmonious environment for everyone.

Moreover, reflecting on past interactions and events within your community can guide your collective future decisions. With a clearer understanding of what worked and what didn't, you can approach new situations with greater clarity. This practice empowers your community to make decisions that align more closely with your shared values and goals.

Reflection also encourages you to act more intentionally within your community. It invites you to pause and consider the potential impact of your actions on others before you carry them out. This leads to more thoughtful, deliberate behavior, and ultimately, to outcomes that better serve your community's goals.

Finally, reflection contributes to developing emotional intelligence within your community. By understanding and managing your emotions better, you contribute to improved relationships, better conflict management, and an overall increased sense of communal well-being.

Embracing the Pause: A Final Reflection

Taking a pause is not a mere interlude. It's a profound act of reflection, healing, and honoring the merit of slowness. It's a bold stand against the incessant drumbeat of capitalistic productivity, affirming the intricate art of fostering relationships within communities. It's an astute recognition that the distinction between mere busyness and true productivity, between aimless motion and meaningful progress, is paramount.

Most importantly, it's an act of extending grace, to ourselves and others, to be authentically human. To hold space for uncertainty and discomfort, and to emerge stronger and wiser. So, when you're on the brink of rushing through a difficult situation, or forcing a solution, halt. Draw a breath. Reflect. Heal. Always remember, there is immense power in the pause.

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