What it Takes to Imagine a More Equitable World with CEO Courtney Harge

Exciting podcast feature on Lemme Fix It!

Siena Beacham, Storytelling & Content CatalystJul 28, 2024 7:14 PM
What it Takes to Imagine a More Equitable World with CEO Courtney Harge

Courtney Was Featured on a Podcast!

Hosted by longtime besties Franchesca Ramsey and De’Lon Grant, "Lemme Fix It!" is a trip down memory lane, followed by a hilarious rebranding session. Each episode explores their favorite celebrities, shows, catchphrases, brands, and movies of yesteryear and then imagines what it would take to repackage them for relevance today. The most recent episode "Ask A CEO" featured our very own OF/BY/FOR ALL CEO Courtney Harge for a funny, heartfelt, and inspiring conversation about what it takes to imagine a more equitable world. We are so proud of our amazing boss and can't wait for you to hear her powerful words in this new episode! You can listen to the full recording and if you like your podcasts in video format watch it on YouTube

Lemme Fix It!_Blog


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