Building Community Agreements and Protocols of Care

Discover how these practices can serve as the foundation for fostering a healthier, more equitable, and collaborative culture within your team.

Siena Beacham, Storytelling & Content CatalystDec 15, 2023 3:46 PM

Are you seeking ways to cultivate a work culture that emphasizes equity, safety, and wellness? It may seem like a daunting task, but it's far from impossible. In fact, it's a collective journey that you and your team can embark on together. An important foundation for this work lies in establishing community agreements and protocols of care. Think about it: how can these tools transform your team's interactions? How can they create a space where everyone's humanity is not just recognized but celebrated? How can they support you in actualizing your values and your institutional commitments to equity? Dive in with us as we explore these powerful tools for change.

What are Community Agreements?

Community agreements are essentially a set of guidelines that a group of people come up with together to create a safe and respectful environment. They are a way to ensure that everyone in the group feels heard, valued, and able to show up authentically. They reflect the values and expectations of the group and provide a framework for addressing conflicts when they arise.

Role Model: SoulFire Farm

One organization that has put a lot of thought into the creation of community agreements is SoulFire Farm, an Afro-Indigenous-centered community farm in New York State that is committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. Their community agreements are centered around respect, reciprocity, empathy, and safety, principles that we have adopted in our agreements. We believe that, like SoulFire Farm, putting these principles into practice is a step towards creating a more equitable and inclusive space within our team.

At a high level, our Community Agreements promote the following:

  • Nonviolence
  • Accountability
  • Identity
  • Consent
  • Presence
  • Listening & Sharing

** To download a copy of our complete community agreements keep reading to the end!*

Evolution of Community Agreements

Community agreements are far from being a set-in-stone rulebook. Instead, they are a living document, constantly evolving to accommodate the shifting needs and dynamics of our team. It's like a living organism that breathes the values and principles of our community. Every time we begin our Change Network onboarding calls, we revisit these agreements. It’s a community ritual that keeps us grounded, reminding us and our members about their significance. This practice ensures these agreements are not just ink on paper but a living, breathing part of our everyday interactions.

Taking it a Step Further

Think of it this way: imagine your team as a garden. Now, community agreements are like the soil - essential for the foundation. But are they enough to make the garden flourish? Not quite. That's where protocols of care come in.

They are like the sunshine, the rain, and the seasons, nurturing every individual plant (team member) in their unique way. Protocols of care are not just about setting boundaries (though they are important). They are more about understanding the unique needs of each 'plant,' responding to those needs, and helping them grow in their own beautiful way.

In essence, protocols of care are like a gardener's tender touch, making sure every plant is cared for, respected, and understood. So, it's not just about rules or agreements. It's about relationships built on mutual respect and understanding. It's about fostering an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

*Want a copy of the OF/BY/FOR ALL Protocols of Care guide? Keep reading to the end!

Tailoring to Unique Needs

Creating community agreements and protocols of care is a unique process for everyone. Each team or community should feel comfortable developing its own agreements that truly reflect its unique dynamics and needs. It’s a journey, but one that can be beautifully guided by the principles of respect, reciprocity, empathy, and safety.

Guiding the Journey + Your Downloadable Tools

As we continue this work within our organization, we invite you to join us and start creating your own community agreements and protocols of care.

To help your team start its journey, we offer you a downloadable copy of both our community agreements and protocols of care. We hope that these resources can serve as a jumping-off point and provide helpful inspiration as you develop them for your organization to create a more equitable, safe, and healthy working environment.

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