Posts about
Change Management (5)
Stories from the Change Network
Read inspirational stories about the Change Network, tips and best practices about diversity, equity, and inclusion for civic and cultural workers, and our newest tools for change management.
How Do You Manage Change As an Organization Committed to Change?
OF/BY/FOR ALL Is examining how we want to grow and change… and we want to share our journey with you.
Five Steps to Reimagine your Organization
This framework is for organizations who believe in the potential of a more inclusive, sustainable future. Here are five steps to help you get there.
3 Things You Can Do to Build Community in a Time of Coronavirus
Here are three specific things you can do right now to build a stronger future for you and your community in a post-COVID world.
Is Your Organization Ready for Full-Scale Change? Check Your Readiness.
Take the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network readiness check. It's a 3-minute quiz you can use to get a sense of how ready for change your organization is.