Announcing the OF/BY/FOR ALL Second Wave

Meet the second wave of our growing global community of organizations in the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network who are building a more inclusive world.

Lauren Benetua, StaffApr 3, 2019 7:00 AM

We are honored and proud to have a global community of organizations in the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network who are committed to building a more inclusive world. The best part is - it’s growing.

Today we heartily welcome 17 new organizations into the Second Wave (scroll down for the full list).

Beginning April 15, these Second Wave organizations will join the original First Wave organizations in the Change Network. With these organizations joining, the Change Network now represents 19 museums, 6 community centers, 3 libraries, 3 performing arts centers, 3 parks, 2 arts councils, and 1 health center. We span nine countries and ten time zones. Together, we will experiment with new ways of working, set specific goals for community involvement, and support each other in achieving them.  

We’ve learned so much from the First Wave, whose intensive six-month pilot just concluded last week. And we still have a lot to learn. So we decided to test out some new technology tools and curriculum design with a new group of organizations as quickly as possible. We needed organizations that were ready to dive in, experiment, and get messy with us right away so that we can continue fine-tuning our tools and curriculum. For that reason, this Second Wave is entirely made up of organizations from the waitlist for the First Wave.

When will the next open wave come? We hope this new technology platform we are using for the Second Wave will be able to scale to welcome many more organizations. Once we know that the tools are working, we hope to open up the Change Network so any organization can join at anytime, anywhere. If the tools need more work, we may slow down and launch another pilot wave. But either way, we feel confident that we will open up an application process for new spots in the Change Network before the end of 2019. We strive to effectively empower you - and many, many organizations around the world -  to successfully become of, by, and for the communities that matter most to you.

Here are the mighty and dynamic organizations of the Second Wave:

We couldn’t be more thrilled to work with organizations who are ready to lead the charge in community involvement. We expect to learn even more from the Second Wave, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you in the weeks and months to come.

Get ready for new stories and voices from the Change Network!

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