13 Reasons to Join the Change Network

Here are 13 reasons why the Change Network can support your organization’s transformation to bring you closer to your equity and inclusion goals.

OF/BY/FOR ALL StaffApr 3, 2023 3:46 PM

The OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network has embarked on its 4th year of supporting civic and cultural organizations all around the world to build stronger, more equitable, more inclusive, more sustainable relationships with communities. When we first began this work, we were clear about some strategic reasons why our tools and frameworks were effective and impactful. Since then, we’ve experienced tremendous growth. We welcomed a new CEO who brought an expanded vision to our work. Our team has grown, bringing even more experience in community organizing and widening our lens on strategies and pedagogies for social justice and liberation. Our curriculum has expanded, and is continuing to evolve (more on that soon!). We have added more tools and frameworks in response to both our members’ challenges and to the ways the world has changed since 2019. We even moved through our own internal struggles and shifts, eventually seeking partners to support us in clarifying our ways of working to better align with our values.

In being open, curious, and present to all that has emerged over the past four years, we’ve uplifted the importance of holding relationships at the center of all that we do: from the way we work with each other to the way we hold space for our members; from the way we hold ourselves accountable to our teachings to the way we imagine work in more equitable and inclusive ways with communities. We’ve gained even more clarity around the core benefits of the Change Network program and we’re excited to share that clarity with you. Here are 13 reasons why the Change Network can support your organization’s transformation. In both big and small ways, our program helps us all get closer to the beautiful, revolutionary future. Take a look below. If any of these reasons resonate with your commitments to change, consider submitting an application or contact our team to talk more.

  1. To deepen community impact through authentic relationships.

    OF/BY/FOR ALL can help you attract and meaningfully involve new communities. You’ll learn how to foster and cultivate equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable relationships. If you are hoping to expand and/or diversify the people who participate in your programs, collaborate with you on projects, donate funds, and join your board and staff, this program can help you do that in a structured and proven way. You bring your own “why.” We’ll help you define the “who” and “how.

  2. To advance goals around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    OF/BY/FOR ALL is an effective and efficient way to jumpstart efforts to become a more diverse, inclusive, equitable institution. Participating in the Change Network program is comparable to working with an experienced consultant to set goals, try new ways of working, increase accountability, and move forward. If you’ve considered hiring a strategic planning consultant or hosting trainings on diversity and inclusion, this may be an affordable and energizing way to accomplish those goals.

  3. To boost core leadership competencies.

    OF/BY/FOR ALL provides your team with access to high-quality, affordable professional development. Any and all members of your staff, board, and volunteers can use the OF/BY/FOR ALL tools and practices to build their skills. Considering the costs involved in sending individuals to conferences or trainings, OF/BY/FOR ALL may be a low-cost alternative that enables you to involve more of your team in professional development activities.

  4. To develop new, community-centered ways of working.

    OF/BY/FOR ALL doesn’t mean more work; it means working differently. Participating organizations tell us that this training is fundamentally changing how staff members enter into new community partnerships and projects. This work is sustainable and valuable in the long-term, even if you decide to leave the Change Network after the first six months.

  5. To join something big, bold, and global.

    As members of the Change Network, your organization will be part of a global community of organizations who are committing to growing and changing. You’ll access the support of the OF/BY/FOR ALL team as well as participants at organization’s around the world.

  6. To maximize your momentum.

    To take previous investments in training, learning, and strategic consulting and put them into concrete action.

  7. To keep your promises.

    The world changed irrevocably in 2020 on many fronts. It was hard to know what was coming next. Many of us made promises and pledges to show up for the communities we’re connected to; some of us struggled to maintain that energy. The Change Network can provide you with tools to honor those promises, go beyond superficial statements or performative actions, and work on meaningful internal changes for lasting, systems-level impact.

  8. To actualize your values.

    In the Change Network, you will discover processes and systems that support changes in how we work and build community, internally and externally. You will spread your DEI work beyond a single department in your organization, and get the whole organization involved/ onboard, You’ll also gain a clearer understanding of where your organization needs to grow and change to become more OF/BY/FOR ALL.

  9. To unlearn harmful ways of working.

    To become more self-aware and unlearn oppressive/harmful ways of being and relating, as well as to hold yourself and your organization accountable for past harms. The Change Network will help uncover where there is or is not alignment (in theory and practice) on DEI goals within your organization.

  10. To create a healthier relationship with work.

    When we become more intentional about creating better conditions for our relationships with others, we inevitably improve our own conditions. The Change Network provides tools to be in healthy relationship with external communities that easily apply to internal conditions. When we’re better for others, we are also better for ourselves.

  11. To make mistakes in a supportive environment.

    To effectively make change, we have to make mistakes. It’s important to have guidance, care, and community in those mistakes.

  12. To build a better world.

    While we want (and need) giant, sweeping changes to get to the beautiful, revolutionary future, it’s the smaller things that will keep us there. You have to use what is available today to create the future you long for. The Change Network can help you get started right here and right now.

  13. Because now is the time to build the future we all long for!

    You cannot build tomorrow’s reality with tomorrow’s resources. And if you long for a future that includes equity and justice, you have to invest in building that future right now.

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